Taptrac is a modular smart wearable concept which helps you keep track of your group members at any public events like festivals, music concerts, clubs, corporate conferences, exhibitions, trade fairs, religious places, zoos, amusement parks, sport stadiums, etc. Special considerations has been made in its design to have minimal user interactions, make it very immersive, superficial, inclusive and easily create value for the users with an emphasis on universal design thinking principles.
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Footfall Range: 500-5000 people.

People usually travel in groups.

A huge public gathering with multiple small groups.

Design Brief
Design a wearable for the people visiting huge social and public events where they travel in groups and often tend to lose track of their group members, which also acts as a customer tracking system for the event organizers helping them in better event planning, thus creating a larger overall value.

The group of people who attend social and public gatherings such as music festivals, sporting events, rock concerts, exhibitions, conferences, theme parks, etc.
They want to keep track of their group members without moving out of their immediate environments at all time at the event.
Organizes events such as music festivals, sporting events, rock concerts, exhibitions, conferences, theme parks, etc.
They need a better way to track people in real time, and have live data to help support the logistics of running the events efficiently with huge crowds.

Design Considerations
Minimal user interactions.
Caters to varied user types and event types.
Should be very immersive and superficial.
Easily creates more value for the attendees
The design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design.
The Principles of Universal Design, by North Carolina State University

The idea was to design a wearable, irrespective of gender or the garments worn by that person. Naturally, anything to be worn on the hind side of the body or below the chest or shoulders or head or face were cancelled out.
Also, the intention was to design a modular wearable which could fit into any wearable for any event ambience. The module is to be used by the event organizers as a Proof of Entry & Exit and they can fit it to a smart band or a smart badge or a smart pendant or a smart jewellery bracelet, etc. as per the public event.

Modular Wearable

[Above] Selected range of colours to display the relative distance of a member from the user.
However, such wide range of colours create problems for those with color deficiencies as they are often difficult or impossible for them to perceive. Hence it was crucial to take color-blindness into account because a considerable percentage of our population is colour blind and it not only helps color blind people, but also aids understanding by normally sighted people. Converting our selected range of colours in total and partial colour blind scale, showed the following possible colour discrepancies:

The refined concept of relative radar and monochrome bars eventually solved most of our design requirements and was also well aligned to our idea of making it simple and catering to a wide range of users and event types.

Keep track of their group members with a single tap.
Specific to a type of event and need not buy it as a personal asset.
Need not compromise with their look and attire. Different wearables at different events.
Keep track of all attendees at their event.
Real time crowd density data.
Monitor and accordingly manage and plan their services better and efficiently.
Control intensive situations like crowd congestions, emergencies, etc. at the earliest.
Improve market competencies by studying crowd flows at different events and locations.

The device can itself be treated as an Event Ticket/Pass and send across to the user.

Built in NFC Chips can be used for digital payments at various refreshment counters.

A personalized device can help you connect with new people at the event and even afterwards.

Study and analyze event data and improve market competencies for different event organizers.